羞辱:界外魔之死 Dishonored: Death of the Outsider v1.145 赠修改器+最高难度[超难].21小时.双结局.解锁原版游戏.模式通关存档(繁中)
《Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider》由屡获殊荣的游戏开发商Arkane® Studios推出,这是好评游戏系列《Dishonored®》的首款独立冒险游戏。化身强大的超能力刺客,扮演恶名昭彰的比莉‧勒克,与恩师多德重聚,完成一场最惊人的暗杀行动。
Logging in with your Bethesda.net account will get you the following new modes in Dishonored 2:
使用您的Bethesda.net帐户登录将使您在Dishonored 2中获得以下新模式:
Mission+ 使命+
Take a trip back in time to any previously completed mission from the campaign and experiment freely with all powers and weapons.
Black and White 黑色和白色
Feeling moody? Black and White mode lets you experience the game in a new visual style. This filter does exactly what it says on the tin, but all blood will remain red. See? Moody. You can toggle between Black and White mode and the original color mode at any time.
In addition to these two new modes, Dishonored 2 players who log in with their Bethesda.net account will also gain access to the original pre-order bonus, the Imperial Assassin’s Pack. When you stop by the Dreadful Wale, you’ll find all the bonus items in the pack waiting for you in your cabin.
除了这两种新模式,使用Bethesda.net帐户登录的Dishonored 2玩家还将获得原始预购奖励,即帝国刺客包。当你停在可怕的山谷,你会发现所有的奖金项目在包等着你在你的小屋。
The Imperial Assassin’s Pack includes:
Imperial Assassin’s Pack包括:
500 bonus coins 500个奖励硬币
Duelist’s Luck bone charm
Void Favor bone charm 虚空恩骨符
In-game Antique Serkonan Guitar for Emily or Corvo to interact with
In-game book: Goodbye, Karnaca – A Musician’s Farewell
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10 (64 bit version)
- 处理器: Intel i7-4770 (4 core)/AMD FX-8350 (8 core)
- 内存: 16 GB RAM
- 显卡: NVidia GTX 1060 6GB/ AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB
- 存储空间: 需要 32 GB 可用空间