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图片[1]-卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. (英文)-无忧免费游戏网

卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. (英文)

Caves of Qud is a science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism, deep simulation, and swathes of sentient plants. Come inhabit an exotic world and chisel through layers of thousand-year-old civilizations.
《Qud 洞穴》是一部科学幻想中的罗格式史诗,沉浸在复古未来主义、深度模拟和大片有知觉的植物中。来到异国情调的世界,凿穿千年文明的层层。


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图片[3]-卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. (英文)-无忧免费游戏网
图片[4]-卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. (英文)-无忧免费游戏网
图片[5]-卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. (英文)-无忧免费游戏网


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Caves of Qud is a science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism, deep simulation, and swathes of sentient plants. Come inhabit a living, breathing world and chisel through layers of thousand-year-old civilizations. Decide: is it a dying earth, or is it on the verge of rebirth?
Caves of Qud 是一款科幻 Roguelike 史诗游戏,融合了复古未来主义、深度模拟和大片有知觉的植物。来居住在一个生机勃勃、会呼吸的世界里,在千年文明的层层叠叠中凿出。决定:这是一个垂死的地球,还是处于重生的边缘?

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Do anything and everything. Caves of Qud is a deeply simulated, biologically diverse, richly cultured world.
做任何事情。Caves of Qud 是一个深度模拟、生物多样、文化丰富的世界。

DEEP PHYSICAL SIMULATION — Don’t like the wall blocking your way? Dig through it with a pickaxe, or eat through it with your corrosive gas mutation, or melt it to lava. Yes, every wall has a melting point.
深度物理仿真 — 不喜欢挡住您去路的墙?用镐挖它,或者用你的腐蚀性气体突变吃掉它,或者把它融化成熔岩。是的,每堵墙都有一个熔点。

FULLY SIMULATED CREATURES — Every monster and NPC is as fully simulated as the player. That means they have levels, skills, equipment, faction allegiances, and body parts. So if you have a mutation that lets you, say, psionically dominate a spider, you can traipse through the world as a spider, laying webs and eating things.
完全模拟的生物 — 每个怪物和 NPC 都与玩家一样完全模拟。这意味着他们有等级、技能、装备、派系效忠和身体部位。因此,如果你有一个突变,比如说,让你在灵能上支配一只蜘蛛,你就可以像蜘蛛一样在世界上游荡,铺网和吃东西。

DYNAMIC FACTION SYSTEM — Pursue allegiances with over 70 factions: apes, crabs, trees, robots, and highly entropic beings, just to name a few.
动态派系系统 – 与 70 多个派系一起追求效忠:猿、螃蟹、树木、机器人和高熵生物,仅举几例。

RICHLY DETAILED SCIENCE FANTASY SETTING — Over fifteen years of worldbuilding have led to a rich, weird, labyrinthine, one-of-a-kind storyworld, layered on top of the simulation, all for you to explore. Live and drink, friend.
细节丰富的科学奇幻设定 — 超过 15 年的世界构建造就了一个丰富、怪异、迷宫般独一无二的故事世界,分层在模拟之上,供您探索。生活和饮水,朋友。

TACTICAL GAMEPLAY — Turn-based, sandbox exploration and combat offers as many solutions as you and your mutations, implants, artifacts, and skills are creative enough to invent.
战术游戏 – 回合制沙盒探索和战斗提供尽可能多的解决方案,只要你和你的突变、植入物、神器和技能足够有创意来发明。

RPG ELEMENTS — Quests, NPCs, villages, historic sites; some dynamic and some handwritten, interwoven to produce a transportative RPG experience.
RPG ELEMENTS — 任务、NPC、村庄、历史遗迹;有些是动态的,有些是手写的,交织在一起,产生一种运输性的 RPG 体验。

ATMOSPHERIC ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK — Over two hours of otherworldly music to delve to.
大气的原创配乐 — 超过两个小时的超凡脱俗的音乐可供深入研究。

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Caves of Qud has one of the most expressive character creators of all time.
Caves of Qud 拥有有史以来最具表现力的角色创作者之一。

Play the role of a mutant indigenous to the salt-spangled dunes and jungles of Qud, or play a true kin descendant from one of the few remaining eco-domes — the toxic arboreta of Ekuemekiyye, the ice-sheathed arcology of Ibul, or the crustal mortars of Yawningmoon.
扮演 Qud 盐状沙丘和丛林的土著变种人,或扮演为数不多的生态穹顶之一的真正亲属后代——Ekuemekiyye 的有毒植物园、Ibul 的冰壳生态或 Yawningmoon 的地壳砂浆。

Build your character out of:

  • Over 70 mutations — outfit yourself with wings, two heads, four arms, flaming hands, teleportation, the power to clone yourself…
    超过 70 种变异 — 为自己配备翅膀、两个头、四只手臂、燃烧的手、瞬移、克隆自己的力量……
  • Dozens of cybernetic implants (and more to find as treasure) — night vision, translucent skin, carbide fists, spring-loaded ankle tendons…
  • 24 castes and kits from across the social order of Qud and beyond Moghra’yi, the Great Salt Desert
    来自库德社会秩序的 24 个种姓和幼崽莫格拉伊(Moghra’yi),大盐沙漠
  • Too overwhelmed to build a character from scratch? Choose one of 9 preset characters and start your adventure right away. Then return to character creation when you are ready.
    不堪重负而无法从头开始构建角色?从 9 个预设角色中选择一个,立即开始您的冒险。然后在您准备好时返回角色创建。
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Play one of four modes:

CLASSIC — Like other traditional roguelikes, this mode has permadeath, meaning you lose your character when you die. Extremely challenging even for experts.
经典 – 与其他传统的 roguelike 游戏一样,此模式具有永久死亡功能,这意味着当你死亡时你会失去你的角色。即使对于专家来说也是极具挑战性的。

ROLEPLAY — Play it like an RPG. Save your progress at checkpoints located in settlements.
角色扮演 — 像 RPG 一样玩。在位于定居点的检查点保存您的进度。

WANDER — Focus on exploration. Most creatures will not attack you, you don’t gain experience by killing, but you DO gain experience by discovering new locations and treating with legendary creatures.
WANDER — 专注于探索。大多数生物不会攻击你,你不会通过杀戮获得经验,但你确实可以通过发现新地点和处理传奇生物来获得经验。

DAILY — One chance with a fixed character and world seed. How long will you survive?
每日 — 一次机会,具有固定角色和世界种子。你能活多久?

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After 9 years of continuous development and frequent updates, Caves of Qud has finally reached its 1.0 release! Here are some highlights of what’s been added for 1.0:
经过 9 年的不断开发和频繁更新,Caves of Qud 终于达到了 1.0 版!以下是 1.0 新增功能的一些亮点:

  • The last leg of the main quest
  • The new, fully graphical UI
  • Hundreds of visual & sound effects
  • Lots of polish & stability
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图片[23]-免费下载| 卡德洞窟 Caves of Qud Build. -无忧免费游戏网

Caves of Qud is a project of epic proportions that’s been in development for over fifteen years, since 2007. It began as the science fantasy roguelike dream of co-creators Jason Grinblat and Brian Bucklew, who released the first beta in 2010. Since then, it’s accrued a few more contributors who have enriched the project by helping to add visual effects, sound effects, an original soundtrack, a new UI, new game systems, new lore, and half a world of content. Caves of Qud has grown into a wild garden of emergent narrative, where a handwritten story weaves a path through rich physical, social, and historical simulations. The result is a hybrid handcrafted and procedurally-generated world that’s alive in a way few games are.
Caves of Qud 是一个史诗级的项目,自 2007 年以来已经开发了超过 15 年。它最初是联合创作者 Jason Grinblat 和 Brian Bucklew 的科幻 roguelike 梦想,他们于 2010 年发布了第一个测试版。从那时起,它积累了更多的贡献者,他们通过帮助添加视觉效果、音效、原创配乐、新 UI、新游戏系统、新传说和半个世界的内容来丰富了项目。Caves of Qud 已经成长为一个新兴叙事的狂野花园,在这里,一个手写的故事在丰富的物理、社会和历史模拟中编织出一条道路。结果是一个手工制作和程序生成的混合世界,以很少有游戏的方式栩栩如生。


  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • 处理器: 1GHz or faster. SSE2 instruction set support.
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: Graphics card: DX10, DX11, DX12 capable
  • 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间


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